Monday, February 1, 2010

30 Days – Not That Much Time

If you only had one month to live, what would you do with your time, energy, and the things God has given you? That is the current topic of discussion right now each week at Fusion. I know for me it has changed the way I am thinking about life and the choices I make. The idea is that if you truly had one month to live, what would you do differently, and why are you not doing that now.

It is really inspiring and thought provoking to think about it. So far I have been challenged to rethink some priorities I have and to focus more on the relationships I have in life. I have a wife and 3 month old baby, and I only had 30 days before they would be without me I can assure you that I would be spending more time with them. I have enjoyed letting God take this time to work on me and help me to focus on the most important things in life. The things that will have a lasting impact.

This week Anna Williams gave a very challenging message about living out of the things that we are passionate about. God really convicted me of two things that I am not doing that I should be doing. Other than spending time with my family, I believe God wants me to pursue two other things I am passionate about: music and writing.

It is funny that God did that last night because I just recently started playing my bass guitar again after letting it sit in its case for many months. This week I got it out and dusted it off and played a little bit, and now God is really giving me the passion to start playing again. On top of that I have felt for quite a while that God has given me the ability to write and express what God is doing in my life through writing.

So today is the day I am trying to work these things out and make them a reality. I am about to meet with two other guys from the Fusion band to work on writing some songs God has put in our hearts (so be looking for some new songs soon). ☺ I am excited that God is really helping me to refocus my life and helping me to pursue the passions he has put in me.

Let God work on your heart, let Him refocus your life so that you can also experience the abundant life He has for you. Living for God is the best decision you will ever make, He has created you will passions that He wants you to pursue and develop. Don’t waste the things He has put in you. Today is the day you should pursue the things you want to accomplish, because we never know how much time we have here on earth.

- Richie

(Richie Lord is Fusion's head pastor and go-to guy. His golden beard is a testament to his wisdom and experience that comes to 5+ with the Park Avenue ministry.)

(Photo cred goes to Danielle Becker. Go Danielle Becker!)

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