Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Foundation

Going through Luke 6:46-49, Richie talked about foundations. I think we all know the story of the man who built his house on sand and the man who built his house on the rock. The man who built his house on the sand suffered a loss as his house was swept away in the storm. The man who built his house on the rock stood tall knowing he had a firm and solid foundation that would support his house in the storm. Both men had faith in their foundations, but their foundations were different and only one could protect the house and withstand the harsh weather. 

When it comes to faith, we have a foundation too, but not everyone's foundation is as strong and reliable as the man's rock, and some are as faltering as the other man's sand. The question is, what is your foundation comprised of?

Do you seek the stability of the world? Or, do you seek the stability in Christ, the only source of true strength?

Whatever you do in your life, it has to start somewhere. You aren't going to become a genius all of a sudden. You have to start at the basics of education. You aren't going to make millions in one day. You are going to have to work for minimal amounts first. You aren't going to put a roof on a house that was never built. You have to have a foundation, or a base, on which you place that roof. 
You need to see that you can't get someone without starting somewhere. 
In faith, we must start where it begins. It begins with Christ.

To have faith is to completely trust, or have complete confidence, in someone or something. Having faith in God means that you have complete confidence in Him and what He is going to do for/with you. Having Him as your foundation means that you have faith in Him. 
It's hard to see at times, but having Christ as your foundation and having faith in Him means that you have given all control to Him. It's hard to see because we get so wrapped around what is going on in our lives that we try to handle it by ourselves, failing to realize that He's right there waiting to help you. He's your foundation because He wants to stabilize you and help you stand tall. He wants to be your support to help you withstand the fierce storms of life. He's waiting for you to allow Him to really be your foundation, not just be something you stand on. 

Something that really stood out to me when Richie showed us the picture of the crumbling foundation, was that whatever is broken does not repair itself. That failing foundation can't just fix itself up and be good as new. It needs someone who is able to mend the damage. We are the same way. When we are broken and in need of a healer, we are just need of a Healer. 
The thing is about all this talk about foundations, you may not have a solid foundation right now. You may be broken and damaged lacking in the strength that a good foundation provides. You may think you're a hopeless cause because at this moment you are failing. 
Guess what? There's this really awesome thing called Grace. God gives us second chances. Actually.. He gives us daily renewal through His Grace. You may not have a solid foundation right now, but He's handing you the tools the build a better one, one that can never fail. He is giving you the chance to build your life on Him from this point on. How crazy is that? 

With a strong and steady foundation in Him, through trials and tribulations, we may be beaten and torn at, but we do not fall.

Here are some songs:
  • "The Heat" - NEEDTOBREATHE
  • "Balance" - Deas Vail

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