Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Loving Like Christ

We've been going through the book of Luke for a while now as we continue the series, Just Jesus.
I cannot get over the fact that although I have read Luke plenty of times before, there is still so much that I am learning.

We read through Luke 6:27-42 as Josiah talked about loving your enemies and judging others, two topics that are not always the most comforting.

As a Christian, I know that I am called to love all people, regardless of whether or not I really like them. More importantly though, regardless of whether or not they love me.

You see, Christ loved all men even when they hated Him. Even when they were running from Him like he was stricken with leprosy, He continued to pursue them with all His heart. So much so, that as the Father, He sent His only son to die in order to save them.
Jesus, like His Father, was just in love with you as well. He knew He was going to have to die when He became man, but He still became man.

Think about this... This guy that you think is absolutely insane, but so hopelessly in love with you, dies for you. Dies for.
Those two words mean something huge.
Jesus died for you.

What exactly am I getting at, right? Ok. I want to focus on that word for.
The definition of for is "in support of or in favor of".
With that being said, think about this.. Jesus died in favor of you. He died to support you.
It's kind of ridiculous to think about... Jesus died in favor of me?!
I know I keep saying that, but really think about it for a minute...!! It's crazy! He died to support people that hated Him! Who does that?!
The Savior of the world and source of redemption and salvation, that's who.

"Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Ok, so back to loving your enemies.
I know it's not the easiest thing to do. Trust me, I struggle with it daily.
Knowing what God did for me when I hated Him is something I can never repay, but it shows me what I need to do.
As followers of Christ we are called to live like Him. He willingly sacrificed His life to save people that despised Him. He loved the one's everyone looked down on. He gave up what He had because He genuinely loved them.
Should we not strive to love like this? Should we not reach out to the lost who don't know Him with the love He has equipped us with?
He fills us with His love so we may pour it out on others.

There is so much to say about loving your enemies that I could really go on, but there was another thing Josiah talked about...judging others.

Ok. It is horribly easy to look at someone and pick out every flaw possible. We all do it. Maybe not to everyone we see, or that harshly, but we all pick people apart because they don't really meet our standards.
Meet our standards.
Why are we setting the standards for everyone else to live up to? That doesn't seem quite right.

Luke 6:42
"How can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,' when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank our of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."

Well that was brutal.
I think what is being said is that before you start pointing out the flaws in other people, you must first take a look at yourself. Once you have seen where you stand you are called to help your friend whose vision may be 'spiritually impaired,' but I don't think that means condemning them for their faults.
We are called to be a guide to the lost, not the judge to sentence them on where they are going to end up.
Only Christ has the power to justify man in the end, we, however, are supposed to help them follow the right path to eternity.

One verse that has played a big part for me in the way I perceive people is James 4:12

"There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you - who are you to judge your neighbor?"
See? Only Christ is able to determine the end for man.

We tend to set the standards for people to live up to by the way we live, not the way Christ lived. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Judging others and loving your enemies are so alike. Your love for your enemies should overpower your desire to judge them.
Love never fails.

Loving your enemies and refraining from judging others does not happen overnight. It's a process, and sometimes it takes a long time because it's a process of molding your heart to be like Christ's. It takes prayer and encouragement and time. A lot of times it means it's just you and God, but other times you need a friend, someone to help you along the way.
I really encourage you all to continuously pray that your hearts are constantly seeking God. I also ask you to pray for me as I walk with Christ.
And please know that I am here for anyone and everyone who needs a little encouragement and prayer.

One last thing...

Music is a big part of my relationship with God. There are just some songs that I feel like He speaks to me through and sometimes they're songs that I have forgotten or haven't listened to in a while, but still hold a deeper meaning to me.
I want to make up playlists for you guys so help remind you of the messages at Fusion like they help remind me. It may be a song or two one week and a bunch of songs the next week, but I think it'd be neat.
So... here I go...
  • "Garden" - NEEDTOBREATHE
  • "Mess of Me" - Switchfoot
  • "Your Love is Strong" - Jon Foreman
  • "Noticed" - MUTEMATH
  • "Sixteen" - Deas Vail'
  • "True Love" - Phil Wickham

Love is in the hands that reach out.

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